Welcome to the PowerPoint Viewer and Translator. The PowerPoint Viewer will run on Windows 3.1 and on Windows 95. It will allow you to view PowerPoint files created and saved in PowerPoint for Windows versions 2.0 -4.0, PowerPoint for Windows 95 v. 7.0 or PowerPoint for Macintosh versions 2.0-4.0. In addition, this disk contains a translator for PowerPoint 4.0 for Windows 3.1 customers who may want to open and edit files created in PowerPoint for Windows 95. The setup instructions below cover both the PowerPoint Viewer and Translator. Please feel free to copy and distribute the PowerPoint Viewer and Translator floppy disk that you create by following the instructions below. The following topics are covered in this file: * How to create a floppy disk for taking the PowerPoint Viewer with you to install on another computer * How to install the PowerPoint Viewer * Readme notes about the PowerPoint Viewer Creating a PowerPoint Viewer floppy disk: 1. Make sure you have a blank 3.5" formatted floppy disk in your floppy disk drive. 2. In the Windows 95 Explorer, or Windows 3.1 File Manager, open the folder in this directory called PPView. 3. Select all the files in the Viewdisk directory and copy them onto the floppy disk. You now have a PowerPoint Viewer disk that you can use to install the PowerPoint Viewer on any Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 system. Installing the PowerPoint Viewer 1. Insert the PowerPoint Viewer floppy disk you created into drive A 2. On Windows 95, click the Start button and click Run. On Windows NT or Windows 3.1 Program Manager, click the File menu and select Run. 3. Type a:\vsetup.exe and press ENTER. 4. A dialog will appear asking if you want to install the Viewer or the Translator. Select the option you wish to install and click OK. The PowerPoint Viewer and/or Translator will be installed on your computer. To install the Viewer directly from the CD: 1. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive (Drive D). 2. In Windows 95, click the Start button and click Run 3. Type d:\PPView\Viewdisk\vsetup.exe and press ENTER. 4. A dialog will appear asking if you want to install the Viewer or the Translator. Select the option you wish to install and click OK. The PowerPoint Viewer and/or Translator will be installed on your computer. Readme Notes about the PowerPoint Viewer This PowerPoint Viewer is a 16-bit application based on the PowerPoint 4.0 Viewer. While it runs on either Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 and opens files from any current or previous version of PowerPoint, there are a few features of PowerPoint for Windows 95 it does not support. We suggest you run through your file using the Viewer and make any adjustments you might wish to make prior to your actual presentation. * Embedded Fonts. If you save a file with embedded fonts in PowerPoint for Windows 95, the Viewer will not display those fonts unless the font is available on the system on which you are viewing the file. You may want to check that the fonts in your presentation are installed on the system, especially if you are using an unusual font in your presentation. * Gradient fills. PowerPoint for Windows 95 has support for two color shaded fills. The PowerPoint Viewer will display those fills as a single color to black gradient fill. * Semi-transparent fills and shadows. The Viewer will display the appropriate solid color fill or shadow. * Textured fills. Will fill the object with the default color scheme color. * Background textures. No background is displayed. * Extended Animation Effects. If you applied bulleted list text builds, they will be displayed. Other types of builds are ignored. * Interactive settings. Interactive settings are not available in the Viewer.