Distribution terms of the product "Electronic directory "AddressPlus 2007" Attention! Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. Installation and use of this product provides you acknowledge and agree to the distribution terms and conditions. If you disagree for any reason to these terms and conditions, you are not entitled to use the product. The present product is supplied "AS IS", according to the international well-known principle. That means, that the author and distributor of the product are not liable to you for any problems occur while product running and database processing (e.g. compatibility with other packages and drivers, non-standard user PC configuration, not full compatibility of the user PC and IBM PC/AT, non-fulfillment of the basic requirements to the user PC or installed software, use of unlicensed software, as well as for the problems arisen from the inadequate interpretation of the documentation). That also means, that the author is not liable for any damages occurred due to use of this product. The developer doesn't take responsibility for accommodated information in CD, if modification is after 31.12.06. The product copy acquired by a physical or legal person at a time is provided for individual and network use. The author does not render technical support, but can provide consultancy service to users. © Copyright, 2003-2007. ZAO "Euro-Address". All rights reserved.