"Electronic directory "AddressPlus 2007" ======================================= System requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Windows XP/2000/NT 4.0/98/ME - Internet Explorer 4 or higher - Pentium 133 or higher - 64 MB RAM - 420 MB Hard Disk space !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Working with user-defined data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ saved in previous versions "AddressPlus" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The program enables connection to the user-defined data of the previous versions. When you first start the program, the data saved in previous versions are connected automatically, if the files were saved in the default directories. If another directory was changed to save the files in the previous versions, there is a possibility to plug-in the user-defined data manually from the Settings window. After the user data from previous versions have been connected, in the bookmark "Your Data" there will be a possibility to change versions. NOTE! The user-defined data from previous versions can be opened in "read only" mode of operation only. You can not edit the data. By any change these date have been saved in the current version of the program, with other words you can edit the user data only within the version you have saved the files. Therefore simultaneous working with the user-defined data from all versions AddressPlus, Address2006+, Address 2005+ and Address 2004+ is possible. The user-defined data have been saved in the current version in the directory C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Euro-Address\2007. NOTE! The possibility of changing this directory remains, but we don't recommend you to change a directory from previous versions. In this case remarks and selections to companies made in the previous version, but not present in the current one, will be deleted. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Program Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are two variants of program installation: 1. From CD-ROM without prior installation. In this case during the first start there will be a directory created on the hard disk for saving the user data selection. 2. With the prior installation on the hard disk. In this case the program and the whole data base have been copied on the hard disc as default in directory C:\Program Files\Euro-Address\Address Plus (2007). If needed you can choose another directory during the installation. During installation program icons at desktop and within the standard group "Start"->"Programs" in the folder "Euro-Address\AddressPlus (2007)" will be created. After the installation you can start the program "AddressPlus" without CD-ROM. For that purpose you will need 420 MB free space on your hard disk. Working specific with Windows 2000/XP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ User with limited rights (not Power User or Administrator) can not install the program and use the function "User selections". To start this function for these users the right for data entering and editing in the directory C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Euro-Address\ should be given, or you should choose another directory for user defined data in the window Settings. Working with program in networks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Copy the CD-ROM content in one of the directories of your network PC. 2. Start the program ADDRESS.EXE on users' terminals from this directory NOTE! If you work with the program within a network, it is prohibited to use as a directory of your user-defined data the common net directory. We recommend you not to change the path to user-defined data, as it will lead change of the directory for all users. Good luck! Euro-Address