1.0 BETA 1: First Edition(KWR+Evaluation KWF+McAfee Windows) 1.0 RC1: +Added KMS(Win/Linux) support -Buggy Evaluation KWR patch disabled by default +Optimised KWR patches using new KMS patches(A few unneeded patches were removed) 1.0 RC2: +Added McAfee For Linux support +Added USAGE files(English+Russian) +Native Linux UKP's added :) +Added this ChangeLog file :) 1.0 RC3 +Added support for Kerio WinRoute Software Appliance(Linux) +Added support for McAfee plugin for Kerio WinRoute Linux Software Appliance +Added sample license files for newcomers. No more need to use external keyfilemakers(Like SSG's one) +Built using updated compilers(GCC 4.5-11.09.2009 on Windows and GCC 4.4.1 on Linux). -Fixed Kerio WinRoute patching(Occasionally removed after Beta 3 Release). !Removed unneeded dangerous patch which could bring bugs to Kerio WinRoute(Patch applied in invalid place). NOTE TO WINROUTE USERS: If you used UKP < 1.0 RC3 previously you must repatch to avoid possible stability/security/operational problems. Users of statically patched executables are not affected. 1.0 RC3 RESPIN Due to compiler error(MingW-W64 GCC Win32 compiler Build 10.09.09) ukp86.exe executable binary was unfunctional. In This Build GCC 4.4.1-TDM was used to build this binary. ukp64.exe was compiled with MingW-W64 GCC Win64 11.09.09 compiler and works just fine. 1.0 RC4 -Added additional patch to Kerio MailServer which removes hidden McAfee license check(Which in turn turns McAfee plugin off). -Fixed links to gaming forums at support window switched to links to ru-board forum. -"Hit ANY key to ..." message replaced by "Hit to ..." 1.0 FiNAL +Added additional patch to KMS/KWR to disable update attempts from Kerio's web server +Added KWR_SOFT_APPLIANCE_RU(Russian Only) tutorial file for Kerio WinRoute Linux Software Appliance patching. -Added endless Trial with unlimited Subscriptions mode patch to KWR to enable use of Trial WebFilter as unlimited -Put back Half Trial/Regged patch(disabled by default) to allow use WebFilter with semi-licensed KWR(And Linux support was added). 1.1 FiNAL +Added advanced mode(can also be enabled via switch) for McAfee plugin patching which allows administrator to choose it's own update mirror for plugin to use(For example one local mirror for multiple routers/mail servers. +Added big warning notification if SAVING of patched data has been failed. Also UKP now reports erroneous operation if saving has been failed( previously patching was reported as successfull with only single little line "Saving changes to file... Failed" informing about the issue. Some users confirmed to miss this line off and erroneously think that patching has been finished(Due to UAC or running unprivilegen on Win/Linux)) +Windows UKP's has been built using MingW-W64(64bit and 32 bit) 20.09.2009. Devs fixed the bug with 32 bit compiler which prevented ukp86.exe from working in original 1.0 RC3. I've tested both executables now and they work just fine :) 1.2 FiNAL +Added -b switch which instructs UKP to make a backup of source file BEFORE patching(Name of backup file will be as of source file with appended .bak) +Windows UKP's has been built using MingW-W64(64-bit and 32-bit) 26.09.2009. I've tested both executables again and they work just fine :) ;) -Improved support for KWR 6.7.1 Beta 2 for Linux(Fixed version detect - Patching not affected). -Added support for KWR 6.7.1 Beta 2 For Windows(Fixed version detect, Added conforming unlimited trial patch, Added patch for PE flag which prevented modified executable from working). -Added unlimited trial support to KMS. 1.3 FiNAL -Cosmetic improvements -New OS-free/Version unlocked sample licenses(Can be used on both Windows/Linux on every KWR/KMS version patched with UKP without changes) +As a result of bloodywar operation( :D) this version of UKP attacks old nag/service shutdown protection: "While attempting to download an update to your software from Kerio's server, we detected a problem with your license. Please contact one of our customer support representatives immediately to address this problem. Because you may have been a victim of software piracy, the use of your software may be restricted per your licensing agreement until we speak with you. We appreciate your cooperation and we regret any inconvenience. The security of your business is our primary concern." for KWR and KMS(Windows and Linux). +Anti-Update patch was removed in this version - users are suggested to unblock kerio sytes and fully enable automatic updates on their servers(Result of bllodywar :)). 1.4 FiNAL +ukp86.exe has been compiled with MingW-W64(X86) 03.10.2009. +Added new ukp86alt.exe which has been built with LCC compiler(Its large coz LCC's standard C library has been built in statically). Use it if standard ukp86.exe crashes or fails to run properly on your Operating system(For example Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000) -FiXED: KMS For Windows failed to patch(Bug introducted on 1.3 with new patch) due to 2 patches overlapping each other +Added new patch for KWR and KMS which disables check for OS field in license file causing "License is not for this operating system" error if host's Operating System doesn't match one specified in license. -Added information about Trial registration for WebFilter to USAGE_* files. 1.5 FiNAL -Fixed patching of license check which prevented services from working for KMS-Linux. Previous patching(All until this version) was broken and made server unfunctional. Sorry for any inconvenience. + ukp86.exe now compiled with MingW-W64(Win32) 04.10.2009. 1.6 FiNAL -Continuing into bloodywar special operation. KWR only changes: Removed first patches of "While attempting to download an update to your software" which there introduced in 1.3 . This version brings new much better implementation - Instead of patch check occurences UKP will now patch initialization routine there licenses are checked and special "NAG" timer is initialized. Timer will not start anymore with this version of UKP and this will save your CPU a few ticks :) +KMS-Linux. Machine code which has been added in 1.5(Dont worry - its just fine ;) ) has been replaced by new one(Ive tested it physically too) so it now becomes 3-byte patch again(unlike 5-byte patch introduced in 1.5). +ukp86.exe now compiled with MingW-W64(Win32) 05.10.2009. +USAGE_ files are now inside "Usage Notes" subdirectory. + Added additional USAGE_RU files with encoding other than Win-1251(KOI8-R *NIX,UTF-8 With WIN-NewLines,UTF-8 With *NIX NewLines). + KWR_SOFT_APPLIANCE_RU tutor moved to HOWTO's subfolder. 1.7 FiNAL -Fixed the failing patch for KWR 6.7.1 Release Candidate for Windows. +Updated KWR_SOFT_APPLIANCE_RU HOWTO with info and link about my own SquashFS v4.0 Tools For Windows(To support SquashFS4 filesystem used on KWR 6.7.1 RC1 for Linux). +ukp86.exe has been built with MingW-W64(Win32) 07.10.2009 complier. 1.8 FiNAL -Added additional required subpatch for McAfee plugin for Linux to fix runtime misfunction of updates. +Updated KWR_SOFT_APPLIANCE_RU HOWTO a little more(fixed -nolzma notification). +Added a little buggy(due to new nature of LCC64 compiler) additional Windows binary ukp64alt.exe built with LCC64. 1.9 FiNAL +Added support for Kerio Connect 7.X +Added support for IceWarp Merak Communication Server 10.X(Windows Only) +Added ability to generate license file for every supported products. +Changed name from UKP to UKAIP(due to IceWarp support addition). +ukp86.exe/ukp64.exe has been built with MingW-W64 18.11.2009 +ukp86alt.exe has been built with LCC-Win32 20.11.2009 -Removed patch #6 from KMS/KCN as it is handled by patch #5 anyway. !ukaip64alt.exe is not present due to ICE in LCC-Win64 20.11.2009 2.0 FiNAL HAPPY NEW YEAR +KWR: Added support for KWF activation via E-Soft directly(Bypassing Kerio servers) via custom WEB/PHP server +Added support for IceWarp Unified Communication Server 10.X for Linux(RHEL 5.4) +Imroved license-generation algorithm for Icewarp UCS 10.X. +Now if -l switch is specified then both *(You specify the name) and *.xml license files will be generated so newcomers will have very easy way to install with generated license. -Fixed injected code for IceWarp UCS 10.X Win32/Linux: 1)Fixes problems with updates between versions(Now patched installer correcly recognizes current license as applicable for updates) 2)The safety(NULL dereference) checks makes code much more stable. +ukaip86alt.exe has been built with LCC-Win32 02.12.2009 -Fixed typo in previous changelog(ukp64alt.exe renamed to ukaip64alt.exe) +-Updates/Fixes to USAGE_* manuals with new/updated information. 2.0 UPDATE 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR -KCN: Fixed patching support for KCN 7.0B3 for Windows -KCN: Fixed version detect for KCN 7.0B3 for Linux +ukaip86alt.exe is now built with Pelles C v6.0 compiler +ukaip64alt.exe is back and built with Pelles C v6.0 compiler too. -Fixed "enough" word mistype in McAfee patch-module. +Small updates to HOWTO's. 2.1 FiNAL HAPPY NEW YEAR -KWR-KWF: Added option to -advanced mode and special -use-custom-kwf-server switch to allow user to specify its own KWF activation server. !!!-force-trial-with-lic switch has been deprecated since this release and replaced by -force-trial-kwf-with-lic switch. +KMS/KWR:Now "OS" type is witten to the license by default in license generation mode so no problems for some users will arise. +KWR:Now WebFilter/SiteFilter block will NOT be written by default to license file in license generation mode. To force it's addition new -enable-kwf-in-kwr-license switch can be specified(Not recommended). +Updated USAGE_ to accompish KWF switch change. +Updated KWR_SOFT_APPLIANCE_RU to accompish UKP->UKAIP transition and manual has been updated to use UKAIP license generation facility instead of relying on deprecated sample licenses which are not present anyway since UKAIP v2.0. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! ;) 2.2 FiNAL KMS: KMS v6.7.3 Patch 1 For Linux is now correctly detected IceWarp: UKAIP will now generate correct license so it will work on Linux and Windows Server 2003 in addition to Windows Server 2008/2008 R2(Some generation-fix ported from old 1.9 RLZ). Compilers: MingW-W64(X32) 21.01.2010 for ukaip86.exe and MingW-W64(X64) 21.01.2010 for ukaip64.exe GCC 4.4 for Linux UKAIP's(*) (*) Due to recent fall of GlibC 2.7 into Debian Sid repositories problems of running my tools arised for users with previous version of GLibC(Like 2.5/2.6) - Unfortunately those users are majority. As a workaround ive forced to build static version of GlibC 2.7 into executables(libc.a) which increased their size x3-x4. Howewer they should run fine for everyone. 2.3 FiNAL KMS/KCN: Added new patch against McAfee URL check to KMS/KCN. The old partial+text patch combine has been removed. The new patch completely disables the check and allows use with "Custom-URL" patched mcafee plugins too. KWR/KCNTRL: Added support for Kerio Control 7.X(Beta 1,Beta 2, RC1 are available at a time of this publishing). Compilers: MingW-W64(X64 and X32) 22.03.2010(GCC 4.4.4 SVN) sezero build for Windows UKAIP's. GCC 4.4.3-5 for UniX UKAIP's. 2.31 FiNAL KWR/KCNTRL: Fixed non-working unlimited trial patch for Linux version of Kerio Control 7.X. Fixed non-working license validation patch for Linux version of Kerio Control 7.X. Small USAGE_ notes update 2.4 FiNAL Compilers: MingW64(W32 and W64) 12.04.2010 and 14.04.2010 respectivelly(GCC 4.6.0 SVN) for standard(non-alt) Windows ukaip binaries. Base: -New: First release with ParseArguments v2.0 function which ive developed to replace my 3-years old ParseArguments 1 function. New function provides more *NiX-like argument handling including short arguments with - followed by small letter and long arguments starting with -- followed by sentence possibly ending with = followed by value for parameter. Unsupported parameters(For example mistyped one's) will be printed out with Warning so user wil know that he made a mistake and there he made it. Short arguments can be combined in single short-args sequence starting with - followed by letter-sequence then each letter is a short option. Lots of switches has been implemented for supported modules in this version(via new ParseArguments 2.0) to efficiently fine-tune the patching process. Updated USAGE_* manuals. -Fixed: ukaip*(Linux and Non-Alt Windows binaries) failed with "Invalid instruction" exception(On windows exception is unseen without debugger) on Windows XP/Server 2003 and Linux. KCNTRL(Control): -New: Added support for IPS activation redirect. McAfee: -Changed: By default update location of /products/commonupdater/Current/VSCANDAT1000/DAT/0000/ instead of /products/commonupdater/ will be used. To use old location user can use specific switch. -New: Specific switch can be used to force update.nai.com server instead of download.nai.com server and switches available to use custom mirrors. KCN(Connect): -Fixed: Added missing patch to make McAfee-update finally work(Missed it in 2.3 series). "Safe-mode" is implemented as well in case that this patch wil not be applied(Possibly during future updates). "Safe mode" is old "text" patch(With 5-char length fix) but will only make "nai server" McAfee plugins work. Standard new patch will make every McAfee plugin working. -Fixed: Inability to generate license for this target(Introduced in 2.3). 2.5 FiNAL Compilers: Updated MingW-W64 suite and Debian's GCC KCNTRL(Control): -Support: Added support to Kerio Control 7.1 Beta's Series. -Support: Added version autodetect for Kerio Control 7.1 Beta's for Linux. KCN(Connect): -Support: Added support to Kerio Connect 7.1 Series. -Support: Added version autodetect for Kerio Connect 7.1 for Linux. -Support: Separated license generation mechanism for Kerio Connect from KMS generation and updated it to support newer format. Sophos(AV): -New: Added support for mirror patches of Kerio AV Sophos Plugin(Win/Linux). IceWarp: -Support: Fixed version/type autodetect for IceWarp Unified Communication Server 10.1.X/10.2.X for Linux 2.51 FiNAL Sophos(AV): -Fixed: Fixed incorrect patch of the Linux module of Kerio Connect. -Fixed: Linux modules in Kerio Control was not fully supported(One patch failed on them). -New: Added several additional patches for all Sophos modules. 2.52 FiNAL Compilers: On Linux built with Ubuntu's GCC 4.5.1 and statically linked against GNU libC 2.12.1. This is first version in 2.5X series to come properly linked using static linking on Linux. KCN(Connect): -Support: Added support for Kerio Connect 10.2 Beta's. Sophos(AV): -Fixed: Added two additional required patches for Linux Sophos For Kerio. -Support: Added support to Sophos For Kerio Connect 10.2 Beta's IceWarp: -Support: Fixed version/type autodetect for IceWarp Unified Communication Server 10.1.X/10.2.X/10.3.X for Linux/RHEL5. NOTE: Linux/DEB was already supported before(Even new 10.3 Beta). -Support: Added autodetection of API and IceWarp PHP modules on Windows(Linux libraries already supported). -Support: Added autodetection of IceWarp Server Interface Plugin. -New: Added "Desktop Client" section to license generated for IceWarp Server -New: Added support for generating client licenses for IceWarp Desktop Client and Outlook Connector NOTE: Special client GUID is required during generation. This GUID can be generated via external GUID generator. -Changed: Updated Manuals and HOWTO's 2.6 FiNAL Compilers: GCC 4.6/4.6.1-SVN + gLibC 2.10(For compatability with older Linux versions) BASE: -New: Updated to OpenPtch 2 and uses new fast ABI_2 for patterns and searches. New ABI can bring x5-x10 performance gain on large files and patterns and up-to 15% performance decrease on very small and simple patterns and files. KCN(Connect): -Support: Added support for Kerio Connect v7.2 Beta 5 and Beta 6 for Windows and Linux. Sophos(AV): -Support: Added support for Sophos from Kerio Connect v7.2 Beta 5 and above(Windows and Linux). -New: Added new patch which is activated by new -H/--use-standard-http-proto-for-update-script-pulling option. Sophos modules patched with this option will acquire update.php file via HTTP protocol instead of HTTPS. IceWarp: -Support: Fixed version/type autodetect for new IceWarp UCS 10.3 Beta 20110307 for Linux(Debian Lenny[5.0],Debian Squeeze[6.0], RHEL 5.X, RHEL 6.X and Ubuntu Karmic Coala[10.10]). -Fixed: Resolved possible buffer overflow then receiving "User country" input during license generation. -Fixed: Licenses now include additional required field which must be present for Log Analyzer license check to succeed. KOP(Operator) -Support: Added support for new Kerio Operator product. -Docs: Added new KER_OPERATOR_RU.txt HOWTO. 2.61 BASE: -Fixed: Updated to new OpenPtch - Resolved critical bug in OPWritePtrn(ABI_2) function. This resulted in broken patching and possible data corruption then data written via the affected function. Almost everything was affected. IceWarp patching became completely broken. IceWarp: -Licgen(COSMETIC ONLY): Customer phone number is no longer mentioned as optional. It still can be empty but better to input it. -Licgen: New fields regarding license support plan has been added. They should not affect program behaviour(More cosmetic than practical). 2.62 BASE: -Fixed: Updated to new OpenPtch - Resolved critical bug in OPWritePtrn(ABI_2) function - Uninitialized position variable(Fixed one day after release of 2.61 half year ago). KCNTRL(Control): -Support: Added Kerio Control 7.2 support. Sophos(AV): -Support: Added support for Sophos from Kerio Control 7.2. -Fixed: Resolved critical issue of possible broken patch of 'Update Path OS-String Clear' IceWarp: -Support: Fixed autodetect for official 10.3.2/Linux(RHEL5) binaries. -Support: Added "Unknown" version if version detection has been failed(Similarly to how it was made for Kerio before). This will ensure the high resistance of UKAIP across IceWarp/Linux updates or releases for New distributions. -Licgen: If version can't be detected from the binary user will be prompted to enter it manually(Instead of writing a default 10.2). KOP(Operator) -Support: Added support for Kerio Operator 1.1 Series. -Docs: Fixed few mistypes and old "Kerio Control" references in KER_OPERATOR_RU HOWTO. 2.63 KCNTRL(Control): -Fixed: Fixed issue patching --LICENSE--(Signature #2) check(Eye error asuuming 6 instead of valid 7 byte offset) for Linux(Version >= 7.2). Caused craches during attempt to load license. KCN(Connect): -Support: Fixed version autodetect for Kerio Connect 7.2.X(X > 0) on Windows and "Build Detect" on Linux -Support: Added support for Kerio Connect 7.3 Beta 3 and upwards. -Fixed: Fixed misaligned patch for new signature of mcafeeCheckUrl()/internalCheckUrl() check. Caused a Mail Server crash during every attempt to update the built-in AV. Sophos: -Support: Added support for Sophos from Kerio Connect 7.3 Beta 3. -Support: Fixed the HTTPS(-H flag) patch for Sophos from Kerio Control 7.2 and Kerio Connect 7.3 Beta 3 for Linux 2.64 KCNTRL(Control): -Support: Fixed version autodetect for Kerio Control 7.2.1 for Linux(Made centric pattern much more reliable) KCN(Connect): -Fixed/Improved: Due to reorder of RSAPrivateDecrypt/RSAPublicDecrypt routines in the Kerio Connect 7.3/Linux executable the wrong routine(RSAPrivateDecrypt) was patched for 7.3 series. UKAIP/KCN module has been redesigned in this point(Linux part) to search the routines and check their type by new special hidden check(Private/Public). This issue caused licenses to NOT work on Kerio Connect 7.3 2.65 KSHARED(All Kerio): -Feature/Tuning: Added 3 special switches: --disable-license-support-patch,--disable-unlim-trial-patch,--disable-license-os-check-patch to fine-tune pathching process of your product(Apply only patches you need). KCNTRL(Control): -Support: Added support for Kerio Control 7.3 -Fixed/Improved: Ported RSAPrivateDecrypt/RSAPublicDecrypt recognision update from 2.64/KCN update KCN(Connect): -Support: Added support for Kerio Connect 7.4 Beta 4 and upwards. Sophos: -Support: Added support for Sophos from Kerio Connect 7.4 Beta 4(Win/Lin). -Support: Added support for Sophos from Kerio Control 7.3(Lin) - Win already worked. 2.66 KCNTRL(Control): -New: Added patch for new HTTPS-PEER validation in Kerio WebFilter for Windows and Linux in 7.3+ series -New: Added patch disabling Kerio's registration server(Then License Patching mode is enabled) in 7.3+ series KCN(Connect): -New: Added patch disabling Kerio's registration server(Then License Patching mode is enabled) in 7.4+ series like in Control -Fixed: Extended old good 'Services license protection' Linux pattern which unfortunately stopped to be unique in 7.4+ series and patching caused a major regression corrupting application's code(In 7.4.0 caused a mail-folder indexing routine to become corrupted raising indexing errors during runtime) KOP(Operator): -Support: Added support for Kerio Operator 1.2.2 and newer -Support: Added support for Kerio Operator 2.0 beta 2 and newer -Docs: Updated to reflect minor file naming/target files listing to reflect changes done by Kerio in v2.X IceWarp: -New: Added "IceWarp Client Essentials" which there previously distributed separately to UKAIP's package("IceWarp Essentials" folder) I've made a decision to include it because it was removed from public share's due to low activity(This is quite specific package) -Support: Added full support for v10.4X series for Windows and Linux(RHEL5/RHEL6). -Support: Fixed autodetect for few modules from 10.4X for Windows series(fastisapi,kasperskyupdater,sendmail) -Docs: Updated USAGE notes with information regarding kasperskyupdater module in 10.4 series and regarding unpack of big icewarp-%ver%.exe for versions 10.3+. Sophos: -Fixed/Support: Fixed two of the new Linux patterns which had some fixed offsets/addresses in them which i forgot to handle. This leaded to inability to patch Linux Sophos module's for minor updates of 7.3 tree(Such as v7.3.1). 2.66U1 Sophos: -Fixed: Fixed regression patching '.PHP status update' check on Sophos For Kerio Control/Windows causing the pattern to miss the proper place and patch unrelated code near it(Which matches the pattern too). 2.66U2 Sophos: -Fixed: Continuing on the stuff from U1 - Changed the pattern but forgot to adjust the code to handle the change as needed