**Prog Transponders Updater ver 1.00** - This plugin is for md applications. - It is free for all. - It can be used to update Transponders files for about 57 satellites from the web. - You can update 57 TP files with single click within your app in just a few seconds. - Or you can update the files you want in a single way. - It is very useful for progdvb. - You can use it with any other md API applications. Like altdvb, dvbdream - The downloaded files will be in this directory C:\ProgDVB\Transponders. - So if this directory dose not exist you must create it. - In case of updating done . a message (All satellites have been updated successfully) will be shown - Any old files will be overwriten without any confirmation. - In case of some sat files is not exist it will be added. - You can reuse downloaded files with any other applications which dose not support md API. - You can use them also to update your STB TP since prodvb can run it in offline mode. - The plugin has two styles (xp) & normal one with color depending on your app (host app) And used windows styles . - Any changes in sates positions will be implemented in a new version of Prog Transponders Updater.. - Many thanks to Epmak - Many thanks to vlinders - Many thanks to Zarko Gajic - you can find more @ fannansat.com & amwajsat.com . ** A peace message from EGYPT & Arab world to the entire world** with my Best wishes tarek dahb tarek.dahb@yahoo.com