ALTOSD V 1.3 *NOW SUPPURT ALTDVB V 2.1 *Many bugs are fixed in display mood *Font size fixed *Now support transparency display for osd *works very fine in full screen& window mood with VR&VMR7 *Still some bugs in floating window *No more CH NO yet CH NO will be considered later **HOW DOS IT WORK:- *Simply copy (Alt-OSD.dll) to plugin folder & copy (altosd.ini) to the main directory *Then run altdvb & activate it form plugins options *Drag and drop the sniper circle to video window *you can customize font color & background color as you want **Hint for low display cards it may be difficult to show osd in transparent way So in this case you can reduce the graphics acceleration from display settings *first time you may need to restart altdvb to activate the plugin Best wishes tarek dahb