Junior © 2003 FOOOD's Icons.
All rights reserved.
By downloading
these icons/images you agree to the following conditions:
My icons
are free for personal use, but they are my property and are copyrighted.
They must not be used commercially without agreeing terms with me first.
You can distribute them for free as long as the icon/image sets are unmodified
and this text file is included with the zip file.
You may not repackage them & redistribute them with other icon sets, themes,
downloads etc. without my permission.
They must not be converted to any other format & distributed without my
You may not sell them or use them for profit either individually, or in any
sort of collection or CD package.
If you want to use my icons/images on a web page, in software, in a theme etc.
you must obtain permission from me first. If I agree, credit to me and a link
to my site must be placed on your site/in your software/Readme file etc. Whichever
applies. [Doesn't apply to commercial use].
To find out more about getting permission to use my icons take look here.
For tips on using icons & changing you're existing icons take a look here.
[Don't send me questions about using/changing icons. If the answer isn't on
that web page then I don't know].
I don't have or use a Mac. I don't know anything about using these icons on a Mac.
I don't have or use Linux. I don't know anything about using these icons on Linux.
Do not take credit for creating my icons. If you have any questions regarding
any of my icons please email me at foood@foood.net
I am not liable for any sort of damage to your computer from using my icons.
You got them for free, so if you choose to use them then you take full responsibility
for anything that may happen by using them after you download them.
Also available for Mac & Linux.
Last but not least... enjoy!
Big thanks to Marvilla for advice, opinions, 3D help etc.
Thanks to Doug Monson for the Mac conversions.
Thanks to wickedlester for help with converting & compressing the icons for Linux.
IconPackager theme put together by Scott Manwaring with permission from FOOOD.