ReadMe for: PixPerAn, Version 1.011e PixPerAn should make it easier to compare the pixel persistence of TFT monitors. ********WARNING*********: Some TFT-Displays tend to show "ghost pictures" after displaying flickering contents for a long time. PixPerAn contains such flickering contents. (In the main menu as well as in the flicker-fullscreen) We advise not run these program parts for long periods. (Though, usually those "ghost pictures" will disappear after some time. It seems to be very likely that this will happen with most TFT's. But of course we cannot guarantee this!) PixPerAn is "free like Beer". It is not open source. But you may use and copy it freely, if: - No money is charged for it. (Exception: It may be distributed on Cover-CD's of magazines though) - It is not modified in any way. PixPerAn comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may use PixPerAn solely AT YOUR OWN RISK. Wilfried Welti