Dir-To-List 1.3


Custom HTML
Macros (Words)


Dir-To-List creates index files from a directory.
You also can use Dir-To-List for create site maps.
Dir-To-List 1.3 is written in C++, using TurboPad and compiled whith Borland C++ Compiler 5.5.1
Autor: Ilia B. Petchenkin.
Web-site: www.geocities.com/ibprogs
E-Mail: ibprogs@yahoo.com

Select Directory

This field allows you to edit the path and name of the directory from which the list will be done. You can click '>>' button to call standart "Select directory" dialog.
This directory must exist.

Select file

Specifies output file. If this file already exists, it will be overwriten, otherwise it will be created. Output file's directory must exist, it will not be created automaticly.

Select columns

Here you can choose columns that will be shown in output file.

Sort by

Dir-To-List can sort files by: name, extention( NOT Type ), size, last Write, last read, creation time, and even by attributes.
Folders can be sorted only by name, times( creation, read, write ) and by attributes, if another order is selected, folders are sorted by name.

Output format

Dir-To-List can store folders lists in TXT or HTML formats


Specifies the string that appears abOve table and becomes browser's title bar.


Specifies the tag /BASE/. You can choose from two predefined values: file://localhost/$DirPath and http://some_site.com, and you can modify them or enter you own.

Table border

Specifies whether the table's border is visible.

Cell spacing

Specifies the value of CellSpacing parameter of /Table/ tag.

Cell padding

Specifies the value of CellPadding parameter of /Table/ tag.

Mask for directories

Specifies the search mask(filter) for directories.

Mask for Files

Specifies the search mask(filter) for files.

Generate two tabls

If checked Dir-To-List creates two separate tables: one foe didectory list, another one for file list.

Show summary

Specifies whether Dir-To-List creates the summary table after file list table.


In this group you can set backgrounds.
You can specify colors in two way:

  • by name - BLUE, RED...
  • using mask - #RRGGBB, where RR is Red, GG - green, BB - Blue. One color value can differ from 00 to FF, where F = 16.
  • Caption color

    Specifies the background of non-key columns captions.

    Key caption color

    Background of key columns captions.

    Key column color

    Background of the key column.

    Table background

    Background of the table.

    Document background

    Background of the whole document.

    Column captions

    This group specifies the table captions text. You can use HTML tags in this fields.


    This group specifies the different words witch can be specified by user, and used in HTML and TXT files.

    Custom HTML

    In this group, you can write your own text, witch will be added to generated file.

    Custom Head

    This text will be added in /HEAD/ tag.

    Custom begining

    This text will be added befor all the text generated by Dir-To-List.

    Custom end

    This text will be added after all the text generated by Dir-To-List.

    Mask Style

    Here, you can specify the style, which is used for directory and file masks and the summary table generated by Dir-To-List.

    Name Style

    Here, you can specify the style, which is used for file names.

    Title Style

    Here, you can specify the style, which is used for the title generated by Dir-To-List.

    Table Style

    This style defines the style of whole table, but it's overwritten by Name Style and Table caption style.

    Table Caption Style

    Defines table caption style, if this style is empty, Table style is used for table captions.

    Summary Style

    This style is used for summary table.

    Macros (Words)