RMBOOTSECT v1.2.0 (c)2008 RM Education plc [SSi] ==================================================== Converts between an NTLDR (XP) and BootMgr (Vista\WinPE v2) boot loader Usage: RMBootSect [/nt52 | /MSDOS] : [/debug] [/nowrite] [/ZIP] Examples: RMBootSect D: (to write a Vista compatible boot sector) RMBootSect /nt52 D: (to write an XP compatible boot sector) RMBootSect /MSDOS D: /ZIP (to write an MSDOS FAT16 compatible boot sector) Notes: For WinPE bootable USB flash devices, partition using WinPE\Vista first. RMBootSect modifies FAT/FAT32 volumes to work as WinPE bootable drives. /MSDOS option only valid for FAT16 (FAT) partitions. Errorlevel 0 returned on success.