S2U2 Known limitations & FAQs ============================= General ======= Q. Do I have to install the old version before using this version? A. No. Q. How to use the .CAB file? A. http://www.google.com/search?q=install+cab Q. My device shows a blank/black screen when run S2U2 or "S2U2 Settings"? A. It's not compatible with S2U2. It's a h/w problem. Try to switch the DisplayMode option: 1. stop iLock2 2. edit the registry, under \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\S2U2, find the key DisplayMode 3. set it to 0, 1 or 2 (0 is RawBuffer, 1 is DirectDraw & 2 is GDI) 4. start iLock2 & S2U2. Q. How to edit the registry? A. You need 3rd party software like "Task Manager" & "Total Commander". Try to google them & they are very user friendly. Q. After changing the registry settings, iLock2/S2U2 do not behave as instructed?? A. Please RESTART iLock2 after any registry settings is made. Q. S2U2 always run unexpectedly? A. Try to disable the IdleStart. Q. S2U2 suddenly does not start automatically? A. Check if there is any applications which are included in the ExceptionEXE list are running in the foreground. A. If you have installed Battery Status, disable the "show Today Screen after wake up". A. If you have installed Ultimate Launcher, disable "activate plugin on start up". Q. When check the task manager, both iLock2 & S2U2 are running in the background. Is it normal? A. Yes, it's normal. iLock2 monitors the system changes while S2U2 responsible for the UI. The aim of running S2U2 in the background is to increase the performance. Q. S2U2 consumes a lot of power?! A. Make sure there is no music player running in the background. A. Use digital clock without showing the second. A. Don't use GIF wallpapers. A. Don't use a folder of wallpapers. A. Turn off "Show Appointment". A. Turn off "Show Weather". A. Turn on "Don't use Keyboard Hook". A. Turn on "Ignore screen orientation" A. If any "auto-rotation" application is installed, add "S2U2" to it's exception list. A. Disconnect the data connection. Q. S2U2 sometimes reappear by itself immediately after an unlock? A. set a longer "WakeupDelayMS", at least 500ms. A. If any "auto-rotation" application is installed, add "S2U2" to it's exception list. Q. If "Password/Pin Lock" or "Owner Information" are enabled to display at wake up, the screen may go ALL BLACK?! A. Tap the screen to refresh the screen. Q. My device's special Keys are not blocked by S2U2?! (e.g. the camera key on P525 & P535, the Home key on Diamond...) A. Some devices have some specific keys that are hooked directly to the system. This is a device specific problem. Unless the corresponding SDK is released by the manufacturer, it cannot be solved. A. Please check if you have installed any key mapping s/w that breaks S2U2. Q. I can still activate "Touch Flo" even S2U2 is locked?! A. Exclude S2U2.exe in the "Touch Flo" setting either by edit the \Windows\Touch Flo\FTouchFloConfig.txt or edit the registry: go to HKLM\Software\HTC\Biotouch\Disable4SpecificApp; add new key called "S2U2"; in the folder for this Key, add new string value "ClassName" = "S2U2"; softreset the device. Q. Some of my device's background jobs (like email sync or bluetooth connection) stopped unexpectedly when S2U2 is running? A. Try to turn on "Don't Suspend Power". Q. What is "Don't Suspend Power"? A. There is a few options in S2U2 to set when to suspend your device's power. If "Don't Suspend Power" is turned on, all these options will be disabled. Q. Some of my scheduled tasks did not run as schedule, but it'll start when manually turn on the device? A. Try to set OffLCD longer (17 seconds or more) or add it to the ExceptionEXE list as below. Q. How to configure S2U2 not to start when an application is running? A. Edit the Registry, under \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\S2U2, add key ExceptionEXE0 (STRING) with the name of the application (e.g. iexplore.exe). A total of 10 (0-9) ExceptionEXE can be added. Set ExceptionEXEisFG to 1 for checking if it's running in foreground only; while set to 0 for checking if it's running in foreground or background. Remember to restart iLock2 after the changes. Q. How to integrate Spb Mobile Shell with S2U2? A. http://www.spbclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17396 (thanks PocketPcUser05) Q. My device has Volume Up/Down keys, "Volume Control" is already enable, but still no S2U2's Volume Control come out? A. By default, "Don't use Keyboard Hook" is enable, it has to be disabled for S2U2 to hook the Volume Up/Down keys. Q. The system Volume Up/Down keys not work even "Volume Control" is already disabled? A. Turn on "Don't use Keyboard Hook". Q. Password does not activate? A. You must use S2U2 Settings to turn it on; and then "Save". Q. Can S2U2 be installed in "Storage Card"? A. No, it'll always be installed in the device because of the sake of stability. Q. What's the difference between the 3 display mode? A. RawBuffer is the fastest but may not be accessible in some devices; DirectDraw is the second fast but usually does not work in old devices; GDI is the most compatible but the slowest. Q. Spb Repeating Alarm does not work when "Lock Notification" is turned on? A. It's a known limitation. Spb RA relies on the system notification bubble to literate its own alarm. But if "Lock Notification" is turned on, S2U2 will force the notification to background & Spb RA will be misleaded and think that notification is already dismissed. So, if Spb RA is used, "Lock Notification" must be turned off. Q. How to customize the application opened when "slide to view"? A. They are under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\S2U2\S2VEXE, named 0File, 0Parameters, 1File, 1Parameters,... 8File, 8Parameters. 0 - missed call; 1 - voice mail; 2 - SMS; 3 - MMS; 4 - email; 5 - Flexmail; 6 - WL Messenger; 7 - reminder; 8 - active task. e.g. when there is a missed call, open iContact's call history instead of the system call history, edit 0File to \Program Files\iContact\iContact.exe; and 0Parameters to -recents (the path may be different on different language device & where it's installed). Q. What is the "Vibration LED"? A. It's the LED responsible for the vibration. If S2U2 does not vibrate even "Haptic Feedback" is turned on or "Vibrate On Connect" does not work, try to change the value of the Vibration LED; then turn on or off the "Haptic Feedback" to test it. e.g. the Vibration LED of Omnia is 11. Information =========== Q. How to hide the Date or the Time? A. Set the DateFormat or TimeFormat to blank; restart iLock2. Q. When system notifications come in (e.g. SMS, email or alarm...), S2U2 will be unlocked?! A. Yes, otherwise you will not be notified. But S2U2 will reappear after these notifications are dismissed. A. Turn on "Lock System Notification" Q. When "Lock System Notification" is enabled, some repeating reminder will not be shown?! A. It's a known problem, but no solution yet. However, you can redisplay the latest reminder by tapping the reminder icon. Q. S2U2 shows the wrong no. of unread SMS/MMS/email/vmail?! A. It's a device specific problem. You may reset these counts by: 1. stop iLock2 2. run iLock2 -reset 3. start iLock2 Or you may use the ResetUnreadCount.cab to reset these unread counts. Q. The ShowAppointment does not show all my next week appointments? A. Change the S2U2 Settings, but only a maximum of 6 next week appointments can be shown. Q. There is only ONE appointment shown even it's set to show more than 1 appointment? A. Extend the "Appointment Next Day(s)". A. Where there is more than ONE appointment shown on S2U2, you may shrink them to show ONE appointment by tapping it. To restore, tap the appointment again. Q. How to hide any unread alert? A. Delete "notice.png" under the \GFX folder; restart iLock2. Q. How to display the Operator LOGO? A. The logo filename must exactly match with the operator's name with PNG extension (e.g. orange.png); it must be placed under the folder GFX\Operator; For QVGA device, the logo has to be smaller than 16 pixels high; while for VGA, it has to be smaller than 32 pixels high. Since there are a lot of operators in the world & they changes almost everyday, only a few samples are included in the installation. A. Run S2U2 Settings and quit. A file "S2U2 Settings.log" is created under the S2U2 installed folder. Open it with any editor, one of the line shows "Operator Logo: xxx.png". Q. My device always show "No Service"? A. It's a device specific problem. You may try to use Personalizer (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=21538) to fix it. CallerID ======== Q. Does the CallerID support Video Call / Skype / PTT (Push-To-Talk)? A. No. Q. The CallerID function does not work on my device?! A. Since there are a lot variables between different devices/environment, it's possible that the CallerID does not work. So if it's the case, disable the CallerID. Otherwise you may not know who is calling you. Q. The quality of the CallerID pic is so bad even the original photo is in high resolution?! A. DO NOT use the system contact/outlook to add photo to a contact. Use S2V (Slide 2 View) to do so. Q. How to mute an incoming ring/vibration when CallerID is enable? A. Press the Volume Up/Down; or DPAD Up/Down keys when DpadOn is enable. Q. After soft-reset, sometimes the first call's callerID is not shown? A. It's an OS issue, no solution yet. Q. The CallerID is working fine, but after iLock2 is ended, no more CallerID even the system one? A. The system caller tab is diabled by iLock2. Either restart iLock2 or restore the system caller tab as the next question. Q. How to restore the system caller tab? A. Set CallerID to 0 or uninstall S2U2, then soft-reset. Q. "Slide to Answer" does not work? A. Firstly, the CallerID must be enable & it works on your device. Secondly, the "Slide to Answer" screen will only appear when your device is locked already by S2U2. Otherwise it only shows a normal CallerID screen. A. Change the setting of "Slide to Answer" from "Only Locked" to "Always". Q. "Slide to End" does not work? A. Firstly, the CallerID must be enable & "Slide to Answer" & both work on your device. Secondly, the "Slide to End" screen will only appear when your device is locked already by S2U2. Otherwise it only shows a normal CallerID screen. A. Change the setting of "Slide to Answer" from "Only Locked" to "Always". Wallpaper ========= Q. How to change wallpaper? A. Create a jpg file with resolution the same as your device (QVGA is 240 x 320; WQVGA is 240 x 400; VGA is 480 x 640; WVGA is 480 x 800); rename it to "wallpaper.jpg"; copy it to the gfx folder (default is \program files\s2u2\gfx\); restart iLock2. And the file "wallpaperL.jpg" is for the Landscape mode. Q. My GIF wallpaper does not shown? A. Currently, there seems to be a limitation to the size of the GIF file. Sometimes, even your device has enough free RAM, it still cannot be shown. Recommended to reduce the dimension (not the file size) & the no. of frames in the GIF, then try again. Q. The GIF animation stopped after a certain period? A. Turn on the GifEndless option. Q. I've set up a folder of GIF files & set the Wallpaper point to that folder, but S2U2 shows nothing? A. Wallpaper(L) folder only supports JPG files. Q. When the wallpaper is set to GIF file, even a small one, the memory usage is very high? A. Yes, all the frames need to be cached in memory. So the more frames the GIF has, the more memory will be used. Weather ======= Q. My XXX weather application cannot be shown on S2U2? A. S2U2 only supports Spb Weather 1.x (not 2.x; not Traveler; not Shell), Weather Panel, Pocket Weather, HTC Weather, User-defined Weather and HTC Manila 2D & 3D Weather. Q. There is no registry key called UserWeather in my device? A. Create it (as STRING) by yourself. Q. How to make use of UserWeather? A. You have to manually update the registry key UserWeather (STRING) under \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\S2U2. The format is "icon|index|high temp|low temp" where icon is S, P or W (Spb Weather, Pocket Weather or Weather Panel). Or "icon|index|string" where "icon" is C (custom), "index" is the weather icon & "string" will be the message displayed underneath the weather icon. e.g. "C|50|Rainning" means the \gfx\weather\50.png icon & "Rainning" will be displayed on screen. Schettj has created a MortScript to update it through Yahoo's weather, details at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=358952 Q. Why there is no current weather info shown? Why the weather icon mismatches with HTC Weather or Manila 2D/3D Weather? A. Because S2U2 only shows TODAY's FORECAST info from other weather applications. Q. When getting temperature (in Celsius) from HTC Home or Manila 2D, there is always 1 degree discrepancy? A. That's the bug of HTC Home or Manila 2D when converting the readings from Fahrenheit to Celsius. Q. The Manila 3D Weather info not shown on S2U2? A. Check if you have added custom city; try to add a non-custom city. A. Check if you have set the weather to update itself automatically; try different setting. A. No perfect solution yet. Others ====== Q. What is the official website of S2U2? A. http://www.ac-s2.com Q. Is S2U2 free? A. Yes for personal use, but any donation is welcome (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=ac_dl%40hotmail%2ecom&item_name=S2U2%20Donations&no_shipping=1&no_note=1&tax=0&lc=EN&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8), thanks. For commercial use, please contact me at http://contact.ac-s2.com for the details.