S2U2 v1.62 (2 Apr 2009) by A_C ============================== S2U2 (Slide 2 Unlock 2) is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don't use your device. It has CallerID function (but some devices may not work, so please try it first); S2P (Slide 2 Play) control plugin; and volume control. It can show many system information (customizable) even without unlocking. Prerequisition ============== - WM5 Phone or WM6/6.1 Professional devices - free RAM: at least 1M for QVGA; 4M for VGA Changes of v1.62 ================ - the notification pop-up can now be dismissed (only on S2U2) by tapping anywhere a while outside the pop-up area; To redisplay it, tap the corresponding notification icon. - added option to turn on/off the individual preview of SMS, MMS & Email. Please note that since I have no where to test the MMS (my device treats it as SMS), so it may not work. - the "slide to view" has extended to all notification icons. e.g. when a missed-call icon shown; tap the icon & it'll be highlighted; slide the slider will open the call history. - added option to custom the applications opened by "slide to view" by editing the registry: They are under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\S2U2\S2VEXE, named 0File, 0Parameters, 1File, 1Parameters,... 8File, 8Parameters. 0 - missed call; 1 - voice mail; 2 - SMS; 3 - MMS; 4 - email; 5 - Flexmail; 6 - WL Messenger; 7 - reminder; 8 - active task. e.g. when there is a missed call, open iContact's call history instead of the system call history, edit 0File to \Program Files\iContact\iContact.exe; and 0Parameters to -recents (the path may be different on different language device & where it's installed). - added option to disable pressing the power button to end an incoming call. - fixed a potential memory leak introduced in v1.60/1.61. - fixed the incomplete backup created when saving the settings in S2U2 Settings. - fixed the occasional problem that the system hangs on the CallerID screen. - a few minor bugs fixed. Changes of v1.61 ================ - fixed the system alarm went off automatically in v1.60. - removed the auto-turn-on "Don't suspend power" in v1.60 when there is data connection; as it caused power drain. Changes of v1.60 ================ - added option to lock most of the system notifications (alarm, reminder, sms/mms & email notice) when the device is locked. To dismiss the notification on S2U2 (not on the system), either press the Power button or wait for the backlight turns off. There are also options to auto-dismiss the notifications on the system & to show a preview of the SMS/email when locked. When a notification is shown on S2U2, unlock the device ("slide to view") will open the corresponding application. - added option to delay the email preview. Set a longer delay if your device alerts the new email notification much later than the email preview. - added a command switch -password for iLock2 to trigger the password lock immediately if the password is set. Run iLock2.exe -password will turn on the password lock immediately no matter how long the "require password" is set. Append the iLock2 startup link with -password will trigger the password lock immediately after soft-reset. However, even with this option added, it does not mean S2U2 is a highly secure password lock. - added the back button in the password entry screen; it shares the same position of the clear button. - added a small-style clock - "clockS", included in the clock pack file. - added option to set up a 2nd clock (both format & clock path). To switch between the 1st & 2nd clock, tap the clock area. e.g. switch between digital (clock) & analog (clockA); or between normal & small (clockS). To not to use the 2nd clock, leave the path of the 2nd clock to blank. - added option to set the Vibration LED. If S2U2 does not vibrate even "Haptic Feedback" is turned on, try to change the value of the Vibration LED; then turn on or off the "Haptic Feedback" to test it. e.g. the Vibration LED of Omnia is 11. - added option to show Owner's Information (name & phone) at the bottom. - added option to hide All-Day appointment. - added option to do not lock the TouchFLO 3D. Enable it if the TouchFLO 3D restarts/quits unexpectedly when S2U2 is running, but the Home key will not be locked as before. - change the Wallpaper settings in the registry will trigger S2U2 to change it's wallpaper immediately. - when save the settings by S2U2 Settings, a setting backup file "S2U2 Settings.reg" will be saved. - removed option "Power Save" as the power leak problem is found & fixed. Please read the FAQ if your device still has power leak when running this version. - removed option "Don't double check Backlight" as it does not work on some devices. - removed the command switch -refresh of iLock2 as it does not work in some cases. (actually, it'd been removed since v1.5x) - fixed the occasional problem that the system hangs on the CallerID screen after rejected an incoming call. - fixed the occasional problem that the unread count of Flexmail cannot be shown. - some minor bugs fixed. Installation ============ - Under your PC/MAC/device, extract the content of the downloaded file & copy the CAB file to your device. - Under your device, run any File Explorer application; go to the folder where the CAB file is copied; run the CAB file. - After installation, there are 3 shortcuts created under \Program Files\S2U2: iLock2.lnk - start/stop ilock2.exe (on the 1st run, it runs silently in the background; on the 2nd run, it closes iLock2 & S2U2 with a closing message). s2u2.lnk - manually start S2U2. s2u2 Settings.lnk - change the detail settings of S2U2. - A shortcut for iLock2.exe is created automatically under \Windows\StartUp as well. - If it's your first time to use S2U2, please start iLock2 first. - For additional clock styles, d/l the S2U2ClockPack-QVGA.zip or S2U2ClockPack-VGA.zip & follow the steps in the ClockReadme.txt. - For non-English devices, d/l the S2U2LanguagePack.zip; find & extract your language's ini file; rename it to lang.ini; copy it to the S2U2 installed folder; then restart iLock2. Configuration ============= - Use the "s2u2 Settings.exe" to change the settings. - Through the lang.ini, the default values of DateFormat, TimeFormat, AppointmentTimeFormat, PhoneNoFormat, Wallpaper (Portrait & Landscape) , ClockPath & some wordings can be customised. They are s_DefaultDateFormat, s_DefaultTimeFormat, s_DefaultAptDateFormat, s_DefaultAptTimeFormat, s_DefaultPhoneNoFormat, s_DefaultWallpaper(L) & s_DefaultClockPath. For other wordings, please refer to the LangReadme.txt in the LanguagePack. - For advanced users, you can edit the registry (\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\S2U2) directly. Please remember to RESTART iLock2 after any registry settings changed, otherwise it won't work. The default values are added on the first run of iLock2. Please refer to the "S2U2 Settings.xls" for the details (thanks rctneil for the idea). - All files under \GFX can be modified. To keep the transparent effect of some graphics, the top left corner pixel must be the transparent color; or use the ARGB PNG format. Command Switch of iLock2 ======================== iLock2.exe accepts the following command switches: -slide to start/invoke S2U2 -nomsg to not to show any message even it closes itself & S2U2 -reset to reset the unread counts of SMS, MMS, email & vmail -password to turn on the password lock immediately no matter how long the "require password" is set Donation ======== Any donations are welcome (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=ac_dl%40hotmail%2ecom&item_name=S2U2%20Donations&no_shipping=1&no_note=1&tax=0&lc=EN&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8), thanks. Special Thanks ============== - All the donators for your kindly appreciations. - Forum fellows at xda-developers (http://forum.xda-developers.com). Thank you for your testings, comments, supports & patience. Enjoy! A_C